Los Angeles: How has the most recent super surge of COVID-19 impact your everyday life?

Aaron Aguilera
4 min readDec 14, 2020


With the passing of my grandfather from COVID-19 the morning before Thanksgiving, I’ve aked the quora digest community about how COVID-19 has impacted their lives, this is what they had to say.

Since December 2019 of last year, COVID-19 began to impact the communities across China in staggering numbers and at unexplainable ways. By March 2020, the spread of COVID-19 had finally reached the US and began its course of infection killing over 10,000 nationwide in the first week. As of right now on December 14, 2020, we are at a rate of 16.5 million confirmed cases and over 301,000 deaths nationwide. In Los Angeles County, we make up a 3 percent fraction of those cases with over 566,000 cases and over 8,300 deaths. Over the last few weeks, the super surge has led to 20,000 of the COVID-19 cases to be confirmed in the county alone. Here’s what a quora digest user had to say about the most recent super surge.

“It just has me raising my eyebrows a little, that’s all.

I am in the risk group and I have been living in really strict voluntary quarantine since early March. I didn’t relax that during the early autumn optimism, so I don’t have to reinstate it now, just carry on as I have been doing.

I’m lucky to be able to take long country walks every day without being within six feet of anybody. I’m not locked in, I’m locked out — I don’t go into rooms and other restricted spaces where there have recently been other people. I call local shops and request them to bring what I want to their outdoor loading bay at the back. Some things I shop on Internet. I go for six-foot-apart walks with people outdoors (we mostly have wide footpaths) or interact with them via Internet,” said Alan W. of Los Angeles, CA.

Los Angeles is home to over 10 million people across the county. There are people who are aware of the virus and there are those who believe that the virus isn’t that big of a deal or isn’t real. Even so, the ICU availability for the high risk patients are less than 10%. Here’s what one person had to say about how they are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It hasn’t. My husband and I are retired. We still do Target and grocery runs. We mask up and are vigilant about sanitizing, a practice that both of us know well as we’ve both been chronically ill since teenagers. I’m a cancer survivor as well. Despite our health issues, we keep fit, exercise regularly (at home, not a germ-laden gym), and we keep our mind active. Right now, we shop for our good friends; she is harvesting stem cells for a transplant because of MM, and he just had a heart op and is recovering in a rehab center. This makes us feel useful, though I wish our friends weren’t going through this. In retrospect I’m grateful for the health issues I’ve had to deal with because they’ve made me less fearful of illness and less fearful of life in general. I have witnessed people go all ten thousand maniacs over sickness, sometimes not even serious illness…..it’s not pretty, lol,” said Marsia M of Los Angeles, CA.

For some people, it’s teaching them to be more weary of what they hear on the news. In some cases it goes as far as people finding out that the news is lying to them. With the Pfizer vaccine arriving, it doesn’t cover the fact that over 300,000 people have lost their lives to the virus. Here’s what another quora digest user had to say about the virus.

“Other than teaching me to not trust the media, it hasn’t. If you look at the CDCs website, you’ll see the mortality rate of what the MSM says is a super surge is just barely half of the first wave. Now more people are getting tested, so the number of cases is up but remember the piece that is painful, yet better news is a much lower percentage are dying. No death is good but smaller percentages are better. The CDC estimates around 140,000,000 people (10x the known cases) have likely had it and recovered as asymptomatic cases. If we can get the other 195, 000,000 vaccinated or recovered our country will have reached herd immunity,” said Dewey Y. of Los Angeles, CA.

“The most recent super surge of COVID-19” has impacted ME PERSONALLY no more than the pandemic has affected me all along, which is minimally. I CHOOSE not to fear the virus, so it impacts ME only marginally by me having to adjust to mandated protocols. Otherwise, it is non-existent and trivial,” said Randy Almond of Los Angeles.

“Generally speaking, no impact whatsoever. My one concern, I have an international trip coming up in early January and I hope that US citizens are allowed entry,” said John T. of Los Angeles,CA.

